Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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approval good opinion; favorable thoughts.
campus the grounds of a school, college, or university.
craft a trade or occupation that requires skill with the hands.
effective able to make happen or change something.
frame a structure made of parts that are joined together and that supports a larger object.
naked wearing no clothing; bare.
nonprofit of a business, not established to make more money than is necessary to pay employees and to remain in operation.
obedience the condition or quality of being willing to follow rules or orders.
prosper to be successful or have good luck; thrive.
sauce a liquid dressing or topping served with food.
Scripture (often lower case) a passage from the Bible.
spatter to splash or scatter in small bits or drops.
stumble to trip or lose one's balance in walking or running.
supply to provide.
textile cloth made by weaving or knitting.