Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support.
beam a long, strong piece of wood or metal used to support floors, ceilings or roofs.
current of or happening in the present time.
dismiss to send away or allow to go away.
economic having to do with the money system.
favorite a person or thing preferred over others.
gully a deep cut or ditch in the land made by running water.
internet the world's largest computer network, which is made of millions of computers that are linked together. Some parts of the internet are the World Wide Web, electronic mail, and chat rooms.
nuisance a person or thing that is annoying.
refer to send or direct to a source for help.
refresh to bring back the energy or spirits of.
telescope an instrument that uses lenses and sometimes mirrors to make distant objects appear larger.
tense1 pulled or stretched tightly.
thrust to push or drive with force.
worth good or important enough for.