Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit.
centennial having to do with a one hundredth anniversary.
convoke to summon to an assembly; marshal.
echelon a level of authority or rank, as in an organization.
hallow to respect or honor highly; venerate.
literal in accordance with the ordinary, exact, or primary meaning of a word or words; not figurative or metaphorical.
morose gloomy or sullen.
pauper a very poor person who must live on public money.
profess to claim or state as true.
remittance money that is sent to someone or some place, usually in payment.
ruddy reddish; rosy.
stratify to assign categories or create divisions within (a society) according to a hierarchy of social or economic classes.
trove a collection of valuable or desirable things.
turncoat one who changes from one party, allegiance, or the like, to the opposite, especially a traitor.
unrelenting continuing with the same intensity, force, speed, or the like; not decreasing or weakening.