Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adage an old familiar saying that shows the wisdom of a group of people; proverb.
certitude the state, condition, or feeling of freedom from uncertainty or doubt.
criteria a set of standards or tests by which to judge or decide something.
debit an amount of money taken out of or owed on an account, or the record of that amount.
discontinuity lack of coherence or logical sequence.
experimentation the act, process, or practice of running tests or trials.
fragmentary consisting of fragments; incomplete or disconnected.
indiscriminate lacking in judgment and discernment; making no distinctions.
maxim a brief, concise statement of a general or basic truth or rule, especially for proper conduct.
persevere to continue steadfastly in a task or course of action or hold steadfastly to a belief or commitment, especially when met with opposition or difficulties; persist.
plight1 a state or situation, especially an unhappy or unlucky one; predicament.
potency the condition of being strong in effect or powerful.
reinstate to put back into a former position, condition, or state of effectiveness.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
sully to make dirty or tarnished.