Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bunch a group of things of the same kind that are attached to each other.
cheer happy or good feelings.
delight great pleasure.
feed to provide food for or give food to someone or something.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
gardener a person whose job is taking care of plants, lawns, and the like.
hallway a narrow passage in a house or building; corridor.
hike to take a long walk in a natural place, such as a woods or forest, for fun or exercise.
impossible not able to happen or to be done.
load to put things on or in something in order to carry them.
lovely beautiful in appearance.
ribbon a narrow strip or band of material used as decoration for hair, gifts, or the like.
staircase a set of steps with a railing that goes from one floor to another in a building.
stove a device that uses electricity, gas, or oil to provide heat for cooking or warmth.
tribe a group of people, families, or villages that share the same language, social customs, and ancestors.