Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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carnage the mass killing of people; slaughter.
conservatism a general preference for the traditional; disinclination to change.
culmination the highest point; zenith; climax.
emancipate to free from slavery or other control.
flaccid without firmness; soft; flabby.
ignominious characterized by or associated with disgrace, dishonor, or shame; humiliating.
induce to persuade or influence, as to a course of action.
irrefutable impossible to disprove; indisputable.
lithe characterized by light, graceful, flexible movements.
ostracize to exclude or shun, by general agreement of the group imposing the exclusion.
perceptual of, relating to, or involving perception.
perpetrate to commit or carry out (a crime, act of mischief, or the like).
remit to refrain from carrying out; cancel.
sprightly lively, spirited, or energetic.
totality the state or quality of being total.