Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abdomen the part of the body between the chest and the hips. The abdomen contains the stomach, intestines, and liver.
accentuate to give more emphasis to; draw attention to.
adequate enough for the situation or need.
anthem a song of praise or patriotism.
cameo a stone carved so as to leave a slightly raised image of one color and a background of another, often worn as jewelry.
classify to put or order into groups of similar things.
decline to refuse to do, in a polite way.
elapse to go or slip by; pass or come to an end.
mainstream agreeing with or shaped by the main trends and most common opinions of a group or society.
recognition the act of realizing that one knows someone or something.
refund to return or pay back.
sibling a sister or a brother.
undo to release from or remove wrapping or fastening from.
venom the poison that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce. Venom is put into prey by biting or stinging.
verbal having to do with words.