Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
amazement wonder; great surprise.
attend to be present at.
bonus a payment added to a person's regular pay as a reward for hard work.
formation the act of forming or the state of being formed.
fowl a bird such as a chicken that is raised for its eggs or meat. Ducks, geese, and turkeys are also domestic fowl.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
mumble to speak low and in a way that is not easy to understand; mutter.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
pursuit the act of following or chasing.
regular normal or usual.
remind to cause (someone) to recall something.
sacrifice the act of giving up something of great value to show loyalty or deep affection.
supervisor a person who watches over other workers and who guides and disciplines them.
truth agreement with the facts or what is real.