Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appropriate right for the purpose; proper.
charm the ability to attract, delight, and please.
delete to remove from a written work.
designer a person who makes or draws plans for creating something, especially physical objects or structures.
flare to begin to burn brightly (often followed by "up").
fortunate lucky; blessed.
garb clothes, especially those characteristic of a particular profession, way of life, or the like.
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light.
graphics (used with a plural verb) the charts, maps, drawings, and other images used in printed works such as books and magazines.
gruff low and harsh.
humid having a high amount of water vapor; damp; moist.
mast a long upright pole that rises from the bottom of a sailboat or ship to support the sails and lines.
obvious easily seen or understood; clear.
transfer the act of moving something from one person or place to another.
weekend the part of the week between Friday evening and Sunday evening.