Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things.
charity something given to a person or persons in need.
desire to want or wish for.
determination the quality of having a firm goal or being determined.
dose an amount of medicine to be taken at one time or at certain times.
forth forward; onward in time or location.
goblin a small, ugly creature in fairy tales that does evil or mischief to humans.
multiply to increase the number, degree, or amount of.
nuclear of, or having to do with, or being the nucleus of an atom or a cell.
offender one who has upset or harmed another or has broken a law.
permanent lasting or meant to last for a very long time; everlasting.
provider a person or organization that is a source for or supplier of a particular product or service.
republic a nation in which those who make the laws and run the government are elected by the people.
rind a thick, firm outer layer or covering. Oranges, lemons, melons, and some cheeses have rinds.