Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amnesia partial or complete loss of memory as a result of an injury to the brain, illness, or shock.
anthem a song of praise or patriotism.
assay to try out or test.
assess to look at and try to discover the quality or degree of (something); evaluate; estimate.
conquer to get or overcome by force.
convene to gather or come together for a meeting.
demonstration an activity that shows how something works or how it is made.
disposition a person's usual mood or attitude.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
engineering the study and practice of using scientific and mathematical knowledge to do practical things. Knowledge of engineering is needed to design and build roads, bridges, tools, and machines.
excessive more than is needed or considered fair; not reasonable.
jealousy a feeling of envy towards another person and what he or she has or can do.
negate to render ineffective or invalid; nullify.
reckless paying no attention to danger; not at all careful.
subsist to stay alive or obtain the necessities of life (usually followed by "on").