Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bigotry intolerance of any group or belief that is not one's own, especially in the form of racial, ethnic, or religious intolerance and prejudice.
decrepit in poor condition because of old age or much use; dilapidated; worn-out.
derivation the source of a thing; origin.
efficacy the ability to produce desired results; effectiveness.
equivocation the act of communicating in ambiguous, shifting, or indecisive terms, often to avoid or deceive.
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.)
fraternal of, related to, or like a brother or brothers.
infernal of or pertaining to hell or the world of the dead.
luxuriant growing thickly and in great numbers; lush.
penance an act of punishment or self-discipline voluntarily undergone to show regret at having done something wrong.
profess to claim or state as true.
qualm a feeling of guilt or doubt.
repast a meal, or the food eaten at a meal.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
virtuoso a person who demonstrates exceptional ability, style, or skill, especially in music.