Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aural2 of or relating to the ear or hearing.
conservatism a general preference for the traditional; disinclination to change.
delude to cause to hold a false belief; mislead; deceive.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
inkling a blurry or partial idea or understanding.
interdependent relying on or needing one another.
litany any recital that involves repetition or incantation, especially a long or monotonous account, as of one's troubles.
mandatory ordered; required; obligatory.
opalescent exhibiting a spectrum of colors or changing colors; iridescent.
precarious so unstable or insecure as to be dangerous; risky.
refute to demonstrate the falseness or error of; disprove.
rejuvenate to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to.
retrograde moving or tending to move in a backward direction; retreating.
sermonize to preach, or to speak as if doing so.
unrelenting continuing with the same intensity, force, speed, or the like; not decreasing or weakening.