Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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artifice a shrewd or clever trick.
belligerence a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature.
chastise to punish, often corporally.
gawk to look at someone or something fixedly and somewhat dopily; gape.
nomenclature a specialized system or set of names and terms used in a particular science, art, or other field of study or training.
penchant a strong liking for or inclination towards something.
piteous worthy of or inspiring great sympathy.
probity proven trustworthiness; honesty; integrity.
propitiate to overcome the disfavor or distrust of; conciliate; appease.
ratify to approve in an official way; confirm.
reprieve to release (someone) temporarily or permanently from planned or impending punishment, pain, or difficulty.
rescind to take back or make invalid; revoke.
tome a large thick book, often one of a multivolume scholarly work.
truism a self-evident statement; platitude.
venerable deserving honor, respect, or reverence because of advanced age, noble character, or dignified position.