Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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condition a state of being or existence.
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned.
grenade a small bomb that is thrown by hand or shot from a rifle after its fuse is set.
groggy confused, dizzy, or feeling unable to wake up.
heal to make whole or healthy again; cure.
invasion an act or instance of invading by an enemy or hostile army.
loose not held back; free.
minister a person authorized to perform or help at the religious services of some religions.
modern having to do with the present or current times.
mumble to speak low and in a way that is not easy to understand; mutter.
noun a word that names a person, place, thing, or condition. A noun may be the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or preposition.
paragraph a part of something written made up of one or more sentences that develop a certain idea. A paragraph begins on a new line which is usually indented from the other lines.
republic a nation in which those who make the laws and run the government are elected by the people.
shade darkness caused by light rays being blocked.
wholly entirely; completely.