Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
finite limited in number, quantity, or duration; capable of being measured. (Cf. infinite.)
horticulture the art or science of growing vegetables, flowers, fruits, or ornamental plants.
inundate to cover or overspread with water, especially a very large amount; flood.
iota an extremely small amount.
lieu the place formerly occupied by something or someone.
opalescent exhibiting a spectrum of colors or changing colors; iridescent.
parry to deflect or knock aside (a blow or stroke), as with one's weapon in fencing.
portly rather fat; stout.
puerile immature or silly; childish.
resilient able to withstand and recover quickly from difficulty, sickness, or the like.
retention the act or process of maintaining the possession or use of.
seemly in accord with decency and propriety; suitable; fitting; decorous.
sobriety abstinence from alcohol; temperance.
veritable true; authentic; real.