Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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belt a piece of cloth, leather, or other material that you wear around the waist.
crowd a large number of people gathered together.
gulf a large area of ocean partly surrounded by land.
instant happening right away; without delay; immediate.
kiss to touch or press with the lips as a sign of love or respect.
mud wet earth that has turned soft.
nap1 to sleep for a short time during daylight hours.
partner someone who owns and runs a business with another person.
shy quiet and not comfortable with other people.
smoke the black, white, or gray gases that you see in the air when something burns.
snoop to look into others' affairs or possessions in a secret way.
snowy characterized by the falling of snow.
steal to take something from another person without permission and in a way that is against the law.
study to try to gain knowledge or skill.
talk to communicate by speaking.