Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ambitious having or showing a strong desire to succeed.
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects.
conduct to lead or guide.
invent to think of, come up with, or create something new.
measurement the specific size of something, given in units.
publisher a person or company that prepares and brings out books for sale.
recline to lie down in a comfortable position.
sarcastic using harsh or bitter words that are meant to hurt, tease, or make fun of another person.
satisfaction a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well.
scholar a person who has much knowledge, usually acquired from research and study.
squeal a fairly long, loud, shrill sound or cry.
survive to continue to live despite serious threat to one's life.
underneath below or beneath; under.
unless except on the condition that.
utter1 to give forth with the voice.