Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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arbitration the consideration and decision of an issue or dispute by someone who has the official authority to decide such matters.
benefactor one who helps or brings good to an individual or an institution, usually by giving money.
catharsis in psychotherapy, the bringing of repressed thoughts and feelings to consciousness in order to release emotional tension, or the release itself.
connoisseur a person with the experience, expertise, and sense of appreciation to make informed judgments in a fine art or in matters of taste.
hedonist one who believes that pleasure-seeking should be the primary goal of humans.
ideology the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution.
inquisition an official inquiry, especially for the purpose of enforcing political, social, or religious conformity.
intone to recite in musical or lengthened tones, especially in a monotone; chant.
irrefutable impossible to disprove; indisputable.
negligible so small or unimportant as to be of no account; trifling or insignificant.
panacea a remedy or solution for all diseases, ills, or difficulties; cure-all.
pertain to relate to or have to do with something.
sacrilege the violation, profane treatment, or destruction of some place or thing that is considered to be holy.
surmount to get over or past; overcome; conquer.
tensile of or relating to tension.