Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abstract existing without physical shape or substance.
arsenal a building used for storing weapons and ammunition.
cancel to do away with; decide against; call off.
coincidental of two things, occurring at the same time, or having some other correspondence, by chance and not as a result of a cause or motive.
construct to build; put together.
continuity the quality or state of having no breaks or interruptions.
manageable capable of being handled or controlled.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
mourn to feel or act very sad because of a death or great loss; grieve.
opt to decide; choose (usually followed by "for" or an infinitive).
productive making or producing easily or in large amounts.
rational based on sound reasoning; sensible.
reverie a state of daydreaming, reminiscing, or musing.
sovereignty supreme power or authority, especially over a state or other political body.
squander to spend or expend (money, time, or effort) wastefully.