Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absent not present; away from where one usually is.
accessible able to be entered.
barge a large, long boat with a flat bottom used for carrying freight.
bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things.
chain a row of links, usually made of metal, that are joined together and used to pull, hold, or fasten something.
chance the quality of happening by accident and without being planned or predicted.
compose to be the parts of; make up.
heighten to make higher.
journalism the work of collecting news and information and giving it out to the public through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other media.
particle a tiny amount or small piece; speck; trace.
perfume a liquid, made from flowers, herbs, or other substances that has a pleasant smell. Perfume is put on the body.
pleased made satisfied or happy.
sensitive able to smell, hear, taste, feel, or see very well.
strum to play by running the fingers in a light way across the strings.
unison (used with "in") speaking all at the same time, or singing at the same time in the same pitch.