Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancient very old; existing for many years.
concern to have to do with; be about; affect.
crude natural; raw.
desperate not caring about danger because of great need.
handicap anything that makes things harder or keeps one from doing better.
hind at or near the back; rear.
moody having shifts in emotional state frequently or without a pattern.
role the character played by an actor.
shuttle a bus, airplane, train, or spacecraft that travels the same route back and forth.
signature a person's written name, used to sign documents, letters, or checks.
swear to make a solemn promise or statement, usually concerning the telling of the truth, one's loyalty, or one's duty.
technical having to do with special skills or techniques.
tribal of or relating to a group of people having the same ancestors, customs, and other characteristics.
triumph the winning of a great victory or success.
twine sturdy string that is made by twisting two or more strands together.