Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, especially from insufficient use or nourishment.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance.
confection a sweetened candy or fruit.
diffidence reticence; shyness.
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner.
fallible capable of making mistakes; liable to error.
histrionic done in a theatrical, emotional, or affected manner; overly dramatic.
infamous having, deserving, or causing a bad reputation; notorious or shameful.
meditative disposed to, marked by, or indicating contemplation or reflection; deeply thoughtful.
quintessence that which most perfectly describes or typifies something; essence.
recourse that which may be turned to for assistance, protection, or a way out of a difficult situation.
stipend any periodic payment of money, such as a salary or allowance.
synopsis a short statement giving an overview, the main principles, or the sequence of events of a narrative, argument, article, or the like; summary; abstract.
touchstone a test or standard by which to evaluate the worth of something.
vagary an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant occurrence, action, or idea; whim.