Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
applause the clapping of hands in approval.
beverage any liquid for drinking, except water or medicine.
calculator a machine used in computing numbers.
conscious awake; able to feel, think, hear, and see.
continual going on without stopping.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
financial having to do with money or those whose job is to manage money.
glitter to shine brightly; sparkle.
industry the activity of process of turning raw materials into finished products, or a particular business that does this.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
polish to give a shiny surface to.
rally to unite again or raise the spirits of after a disappointment or failure.
slightly to a small degree or by a small amount; a little.
urgent needing immediate action or attention.