Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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anxious feeling worried, nervous, or afraid about something uncertain.
beholder one who looks or sees.
broadcast to send over television or radio.
corps a branch of the military that does a special kind of work.
deepen to make or become deep or deeper.
effectiveness the quality or condition of working as intended or of having the desired result.
guitar a stringed instrument with a long neck and five, six, or twelve strings that are strummed or plucked.
handicap anything that makes things harder or keeps one from doing better.
inherit to receive from a person who has died; be heir to.
overrule to rule or decide against.
progress forward movement toward an end.
sketch a drawing or painting that was done in a hurry or without detail. Sketches are sometimes done to prepare for later work.
stretch to spread out or reach out to the full length in order to make loose and flexible.
talon a claw of a bird or animal.
weigh to measure how heavy something is by using a scale.