Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amiable having or showing a friendly manner.
belligerence a very aggressive or hostile attitude; warlike nature.
bigot one who is prejudiced against and intolerant of any group or belief that is not his or her own, especially religious, racial, or ethnic.
demagogue a leader, especially a speaker or politician, who attempts to persuade and to gain a following by appealing to the emotions and prejudices of the public, rather than by rational argument.
depose to deprive of rank or office, especially from an important position such as that of king.
discernible able to be perceived or distinguished.
emend to correct or improve (written text), especially by removing errors; edit.
hermetic preventing or sealed to prevent the influx or escape of air; airtight.
infidelity unfaithfulness, especially to marital vows; adultery.
orientation the act or process of preparing oneself or others for a new situation.
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
proletarian of, pertaining or belong to, or characteristic of the working class, especially laborers who lack capital.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.
suture the act or process of surgically joining or sewing together the edges of a wound, incision, or the like.
vindictive desirous of revenge; vengeful.