Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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apposite fitting; pertinent; appropriate.
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
boorish rude; ill-mannered; crude.
cognomen a last name; surname.
corollary a readily drawn conclusion; deduction or inference.
cynosure a thing or person that is the center of attention and admiration.
declivity a downward or descending slope.
disingenuous not candid or sincere.
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve.
harrow to go over or break up with a harrow.
obviate to prevent or eliminate in advance; render unnecessary or irrelevant.
omnibus concerning or including a large collection of things.
parturient giving birth or about to give birth; in labor.
seminal of critical importance; essential.
sequester to remove into protection and isolation; seclude.