Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
baroque (often capitalized) the style or period in art, music, and architecture prevailing in Europe following the Renaissance, characterized by bold and elaborate forms of ornamentation.
bate to moderate or control; restrain.
cant1 insincere statements made to give one the appearance of goodness, piety, or the like.
climax the most exciting or interesting point in a series of events.
consult to look to for advice or information.
defamation the act of causing damage to the reputation of a person, group, or institution by making unfavorable and unjust statements.
dormant asleep, or in a state of rest that is similar to sleep.
envious showing or feeling desire for what another has.
format the way in which something is arranged or organized.
polar of or having to do with the North Pole or South Pole of the earth.
sincerity a thorough and genuine honesty; candor; earnestness.
stabilize to become steady, firm, unwavering, or fixed.
vital having to do with life.
withstand to resist or stand up to; bear.