Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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allocate to assign or set aside (money or other resources) for some specific use.
bias an opinion or liking that does not let one be fair; prejudice.
collaborate to work with someone else on a project.
convenience the quality of being useful or handy for someone's purpose or need.
custody the legal right to take care of and control someone or something.
despondent low in spirits; unhappy, depressed, or dejected.
distaste dislike or repugnance.
fortify to give more strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce.
intimidate to cause to become timid or afraid, especially by means of threats.
inward in or toward the inside or center.
medieval of, or having to do with the Middle Ages.
prestige importance in the eyes of other people because of doing great things, being in high position, or having wealth.
prose writing or speech in its usual form of a series of sentences. Most language that is not poetry can be described as prose. Novels, short stories, essays, and letters are examples of writing done in prose.
stationary not moving; still.
swoon to lose consciousness; faint.