Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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courtesy good, polite manners.
diagram a drawing or plan that shows the parts of something or how the parts work together.
driveway a private road that leads from a street to a building such as a house or garage.
fare the price paid to ride on a bus, train, taxi, or airplane.
gardener a person whose job is taking care of plants, lawns, and the like.
least smallest in size, amount, or degree.
nurse a person whose job is to care for sick and injured people.
pain bad or terrible feeling in your body that is usually caused by injury or illness.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
rush to act or go fast; hurry.
serve to give aid or help; be of use.
service the work of a person who does things for other people.
sweet having a taste like that of sugar or honey.
tube a long, hollow piece of glass, metal, or rubber used to hold or carry liquids or gases.
underground located, living, or taking place beneath the earth's surface.