Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alternate to take turns (usually followed by "with").
curb a raised rim where a street meets the edge of the sidewalk.
demonstrate to explain or describe, especially by modeling or using many examples.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
enforcement the act or process of making people obey a law or rule.
examination a test of skill used to see how much a person knows or can do.
explode to burst because of too much pressure inside.
forth forward; onward in time or location.
gadget a small tool or device with a clever design or unusual use.
normal close to what is usual, average, or standard.
pollute to make dirty or harmful to health by mixing in or adding waste material.
position the location of a person or thing.
scour1 to clean by rubbing hard.
situation state of affairs; circumstances.
value the worth of something in money, goods, or services.