Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apology a statement that one is sorry for something.
assault a violent physical or verbal attack.
blame to place responsibility on for a mistake or fault.
coax to get someone to do something by gentle urging.
compartment a part or area of something that is divided off as a section of the whole.
design a plan or outline showing how something is to be built or carried out, or the way that something is put together or appears in the end because of the way it was planned.
disappear to be no longer seen.
enthusiasm a strong interest or excitement in connection with something.
goblin a small, ugly creature in fairy tales that does evil or mischief to humans.
keg a small barrel holding less than ten gallons.
merchant an owner of a shop.
personal relating to or belonging to a particular person, and often not for other people to share or see.
reveal to make known; tell.
tingle to have a light stinging or prickly feeling.
torture the intentional causing of great physical or emotional pain to a person or animal.