Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bleak bare, cold, or not protected from the weather.
bosom the front part of a human being's chest, especially that of a woman.
boundless without limits.
broker a person whose business is to negotiate buying and selling, especially of stocks or real estate, on another's behalf.
clause a group of words that has a subject and a verb. Clauses can be part or all of a sentence.
dependent relying on another for help or to provide what one needs.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
ecological of or pertaining to the relationships between living things and their environments.
ego one's feeling about oneself, especially in comparison with other people.
fray to wear or rub thin.
intercept to stop or take hold of; interrupt the movement or progress of.
investigative of or relating to a comprehensive process of searching for, uncovering, and examining information.
realization something that has been suddenly understood; insight.
segregation the practice of separating people according to groups, especially racial groups.
terminal found at or forming the end of something.