Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accusation a statement that another person is guilty of a crime or error.
chronicle an account of events, told in the order in which those events took place.
consolidation the act of combining into a whole or mass; unification.
corrective for the purposes of making right; remedial or rectifying.
crucial very important; deciding the success or failure of something.
expel to force out or drive out.
fabrication a statement, document, or the like that is false or invented to deceive.
fracture a break or crack.
gallant brave and dashing.
hurtle to move with great speed and often with great noise.
inattention lack of attentiveness; neglect.
jaunt a short trip made for fun and pleasure.
rebound to bounce or leap back or away after hitting something.
reliance the act of relying or depending.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.