Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accumulate to pile up, collect, or gather.
devotion strong affection or loyalty.
durable not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy.
encore "Once more!"; "Again!"
engagement a meeting with someone at a certain time; appointment.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
hybrid the offspring of two plants or animals that are of different species or breeds.
indigestion difficulty in digesting food.
induction the act, process, or result of deriving general principles from particular facts or examples.
nomad a member of a group or tribe that has no fixed home and moves from place to place.
occasionally at times; now and then; not frequently.
rebuke to give a sharp reprimand to; criticize.
resent to feel anger or bitterness about or toward, especially when something is seen to be unfair.
sovereign having independent government.
swarm to come together or move as a large group or mass.