Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things.
acumen superior insight; quickness and shrewdness of judgment, especially in practical matters.
commentary a series of explanatory or interpretive remarks or comments.
exhilaration intense high spirits.
gargantuan (sometimes capitalized) of enormous proportions; huge; gigantic.
indisputable not subject to being challenged or denied; unquestionable.
paltry small, trifling, or worthless.
predecessor a person who holds a position or job before another person.
presentiment an intuition or sense of something about to happen; foreboding.
promenade a leisurely walk, especially in a public place.
rabble1 a confused and uncontrolled crowd; disorderly mob.
recapitulate to briefly review (the main points) of a spoken or written exchange or communication.
stringent rigorous or exacting; strict.
trenchant incisive or penetrating, as perception or wit.
uncharted not recorded on any map; unexplored or unknown, as some geographical area or field of research.