Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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benefactor one who helps or brings good to an individual or an institution, usually by giving money.
connotation a secondary meaning or implication of a word or expression, in addition to its primary meaning.
convergent tending to move toward a common point or intersection.
corrugate to shape or bend or become shaped or bent into parallel, wavelike ridges and grooves.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
infatuation the condition of being deprived of judgment by an irrational or foolish attachment to someone or something.
ingrate an ungrateful person.
insecurity the condition or quality of having insufficient protection or not being safe.
kindred a group of related people, such as a tribe or clan.
malignant meant to cause harm; evil.
monochromatic having or using only a single color or shades of one color.
opinionated having definite and unchangeable views of things, often seemingly on all subjects.
regurgitate to surge or pour back or out, especially from of a place of containment, as gases, liquids, or undigested food.
unfrock to deprive of priestly status.
unqualified lacking the appropriate knowledge or qualifications.