Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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contest a sport or game that people try to win to get a prize; competition.
enter to come or go in.
fence a structure used to mark off an area or to keep animals or people in or out.
firmly in a way that uses some strength; not lightly.
flicker1 to burn or shine in an unsteady way.
money the coins or paper bills of a country that are used to buy things or pay for services.
monster a large, frightening creature that is not real.
national of or having to do with the whole country, not just one part of it.
photograph a picture made by using a camera that records an image.
pull to bring closer by using force upon.
rope pieces of string, wire, or similar material twisted together to make a thicker, stronger line.
shop a small store.
unlock to open the lock of something.
vanish to disappear suddenly from sight.
weight the quality that makes something heavy.