Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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augment to make greater in size or amount; increase.
blasphemy disrespect or irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable, especially God.
devious not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout.
extricate to free or release from difficulty, entanglement, or involvement; disengage.
iniquity great injustice or wickedness.
mutable able or likely to change.
pictorial pertaining to, made of, or containing drawings, paintings, or photographs.
poseur one who adopts an affected attitude or manner in order to impress others.
psychosis serious mental disorder that affects all aspects of the personality and involves withdrawal from reality.
resonance ability to make a strong or lasting effect, especially because of an emotional association.
secretive tending to secrecy.
servitude bondage or slavery.
supersede to take over the position or influence of; replace.
veneer a superficial outward appearance or show.
vignette a brief written or musical sketch, or brief film scene, that describes or characterizes a person, incident, situation, or the like.