Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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absurdity the condition or quality of being absurd, of being completely contrary to logic or the normal order of things.
bland without interest, spirit, or excitement; dull; indifferent.
communicable capable of being spread or passed on; contagious.
deferential respectfully submissive to the desires, opinions, or judgments of others.
evasion the act or an instance of escaping, avoiding, or failing to perform something.
excoriate to denounce or criticize severely.
inane devoid of meaning or substance; nonsensical.
limpid perfectly clear; transparent.
manifesto a public statement of principles and intentions, usually by an organized political group or person.
menial lowly or degrading; servile.
patron a regular customer of a shop, restaurant, or some other business.
perspicacity keenness of mental perception or grasp; astuteness.
presumptive affording a reasonable basis for belief.
seamy disreputable; sordid.
stockpile a supply of items accumulated and maintained for future use.