Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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attend to be present at.
cocoon a covering made by young insects and some other arthropods to protect themselves while they change from a pupa into an adult. Some spiders make cocoons to hide their eggs.
complaint an expression of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with something.
contributor one that gives money or something else of value to a common fund or collective effort.
correction the act of making something right or more accurate.
debt something owed to another person.
disrespect rudeness; contempt.
effectively in a way that produces a successful result.
erosion wearing away of the earth's surface by wind or water.
feat an act or achievement that shows courage, strength, or skill.
grenade a small bomb that is thrown by hand or shot from a rifle after its fuse is set.
parade a public procession of people, marching bands, or vehicles in front of spectators as part of a celebration or ceremony.
prickly full of small, sharp points.
quest a search or pursuit.
wrench to damage or hurt by twisting.