Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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balk to stop suddenly and refuse to go on.
congestion the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians.
contaminate to make dirty, polluted, or not usable by touching or by adding something to.
elude to get away from or avoid by speed or skill.
embroil to involve in conflict.
facility a building made or used for a particular activity.
graceless inappropriate or socially awkward.
imaginable possible to picture or conceive.
ineffective producing little or none of the desired or intended impact.
obstacle something that stops forward movement or progress.
reception the act or process of receiving.
splendor grandeur or magnificence.
statistics (used with a singular verb) the mathematical study of numerical information, especially representative information about a limited portion of a population that is used to make generalized conclusions about the whole.
synthesize to bring together or combine (separate elements) to form a whole.
vague just barely visible or able to be perceived.