Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absorb to take in or soak up.
beast any animal other than a human, especially a mammal with four legs.
creative able to make or do something new or with imagination.
cultivation the act of preparing and improving.
curb a raised rim where a street meets the edge of the sidewalk.
declare to announce in a formal way.
dent a small hollow made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow.
determine to decide or settle finally and without question.
enclosure a space that is surrounded, or something that surrounds.
frontier a border between two countries, or the area nearby on either side.
interest the desire to learn, know, or take part in something.
joint done or shared by two or more people or groups acting together.
paralyze to make unable to move or to feel any sensation.
racial having to do with a race of people.
severe very strict; harsh.