Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bond to bind together.
clarification the act or process of making more clear or less confusing.
commute to ride or drive a long distance to and from work or school.
composition the way the parts of something are put together; order or structure.
crucial very important; deciding the success or failure of something.
durable not easily broken or worn out; lasting; sturdy.
external of the outside or outer part.
garland a wreath, chain, or string worn for celebration or decoration. Garlands are made of flowers, leaves, or vines.
infiltrate to enter into in secret.
insufficient not enough in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
melancholy a feeling of sadness or depression.
politics the work or study of government.
toxicity the condition, property, or fact of being poisonous or containing poisonous substances.
transitional of or pertaining to a change from one position, stage, or situation to another.
viewpoint an opinion.