Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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accountability the state or quality of being responsible for providing an explanation or justification.
arable capable of being farmed.
bequeath to leave or dispose of (property) by a will.
infelicity the quality or condition of being inappropriate, or unfortunate in the given circumstances.
intimacy the condition of being close in friendship or otherwise intimate.
irascible easily angered or irritated; short-tempered.
mollify to ease or soothe the anger or emotion of; make calmer; appease.
openhanded tending to give to others; generous.
parable a very short story told to teach a moral or religious lesson.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
pilgrimage a usually long trip undertaken for religious purposes, such as to visit a holy place.
privation lack of necessities or common comforts of life.
recount to tell a history of events; relate; narrate.
rectify to put right or correct (a bad situation, injustice, or the like); remedy.
replete well-supplied; full (usually followed by "with").