Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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civilize to bring education and training to, especially in the arts, science, and government.
cordial warm and friendly; courteous.
definitive most reliable, complete, or authoritative.
descent the act or process of going downward.
ethnic of or relating to a group of people who share the same culture, race, or nationality.
generate to bring into being or to produce.
maneuver to move to a desired position or goal using strategy or skill.
melancholy a feeling of sadness or depression.
mite1 a tiny animal that is related to the spider. Most mites are parasites and live on other animals or plants.
plume a large, fluffy, colorful feather.
rebellious unwilling to accept one's situation or submit to the will of others.
respectively in the order that two or more people or things have been named.
setback something that happens that slows, stops, or reverses progress that is being made.
significantly in an amount or to an extent that is important; considerably.
tycoon a rich, powerful person in business or industry.