Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achievement something achieved through hard work, courage, or skill.
agricultural having to do with growing crops or raising farm animals.
cabinet a piece of furniture with shelves, compartments, or drawers and usually covered by a door or doors. Cabinets are used to store or hold objects.
elderly old or aging.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
flee to run away or escape.
focus to direct one's attention or efforts towards one thing; concentrate.
haste speed or hurry.
lunge a sudden movement toward something; thrust, leap, or dive.
mutant a life form whose genes are different from those of its parents. A mutant has new traits or characteristics that it can pass on to its offspring.
omen something that is believed to be a sign of future good or evil.
package an object or bundle that is packed, wrapped, or boxed; bundle.
repetition the act or process of doing or saying again.
shrivel to cause to wrinkle or become smaller.
situation state of affairs; circumstances.