Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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academic having to do with a school.
array a large and impressive set of things; display.
capitalism an economic system in which land, factories, and other resources are owned by individuals instead of the government. In this system, the prices of things we buy are decided by the people who sell them and not by the government.
comply to do what is asked or demanded; act in agreement with a rule (sometimes followed by "with").
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
divulge to disclose (usually something confidential or secret).
inaugurate to start or cause to start formally.
interval the period of time between two events or situations.
lull to calm or cause to sleep.
management the act of controlling and directing.
ordain to admit to the clergy as a priest, minister, or rabbi in a formal ceremony.
overemphasize to stress too much; give too much importance to.
setback something that happens that slows, stops, or reverses progress that is being made.
swelter to be afflicted by oppressive heat.
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.