Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adventurous willing to take risks in order to find excitement; daring.
blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of.
bliss very great happiness.
carat a unit of weight for diamonds and other gems, equal to one-fifth of a gram.
fluster to cause to become nervous, confused, or upset.
flux a state of continuous change or movement.
genetics (used with a singular verb) the science that studies how characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. Genetics is concerned with the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of plants and animals.
irritate to anger or bother.
metropolitan having to do with a large city and the communities around it.
miserly stingy or penurious.
obstacle something that stops forward movement or progress.
retract to pull back in.
rustic living or happening in the country.
slay to kill deliberately and violently.
systematic involving or based on a method or plan; not random or chaotic.