Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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build to make something by joining together different parts.
cupboard a piece of furniture with shelves to store food, dishes, or other things.
healthy being free from sickness.
hear to receive sound with the ears.
hill a raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
inn a small hotel for people who are travelling.
knee the joint between the upper and lower part of the leg.
nail a thin, pointed piece of metal with a flat top. You hammer nails into pieces of wood or other material in order to fasten them together.
neat clean and in proper order, or liking to keep things that way.
phrase a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb.
seed the small part of a plant with flowers that grows into a new plant.
space the area that contains the entire universe beyond the earth.
stack a neat pile with one thing on top of another.
train a group of railroad cars connected together that carry people or things from one place to another.
vanish to disappear suddenly from sight.